
To our beloved Doc Cy, we thank you and will remember your generosity and support that has encouraged students by underwriting the cost of their scholarship.

Thank you to Dr. Cy Gruberg in blessed memory & the Jewish Federation of Ulster County, a $500.00 scholarship is available to a Jewish high school graduating senior(s) from an area high school who is college bound “whose acts or deeds have made a most significant contribution to their school and our community.”
Applications for 2023 were announced through the guidance offices at all Ulster County high schools, as well as at Red Hook, Rhinebeck, and Wallkill High Schools. The Federation’s high school scholarship committee will select the recipients, and students will be notified before their respective school awards ceremonies or graduations.
Deadline for applications is May 8, 2023.
The Scholarship Committee is looking forward to reviewing all applications and will make awards based on available funds.
Scholarships available for 2023 Include:
Summer Camp Programs for kids to attend sleep away camps
Summer Programs in Israel for teenagers age 16-18
High School or College Academic Programs for one year study in Israel
Volunteers for Israel – age 18 and older
Jewish Study Program – age 18 and older
Jewish Study Programs age 18 and older
The Marlene Survis Memorial Scholarship Fund - $250 This is open to all Jewish students 4th grade thru postgraduation level (23 years of age). Generously donated by Marlene Survis’s daughters Amy Doelling & Laura Pittelman
Please Note: Due to the enormous interest and response, we are only able to award a scholarship to one member of a family and preference will be given to first time applicants.
Applicant or family member must be a member of the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. A minimum contribution of $54 to the 2023 Annual Campaign constitutes membership.
Recipients will be notified in May and will receive their scholarship at the Federation’s Annual Meeting in June.
Programs must be Jewish in orientation.
The deadline for application is Monday, May 8
In your letter to the Scholarship Committee, the following information is required:
Name & Address
Phone (home) cell (if applicable)
Parent’s Name(s)
Parent’s Address if different than applicant’s
Work Experience if applicable
Indicate the purpose of funding (Jewish Camp, Summer Teen Program to Israel, High School or College 1 year
Academic Program, Volunteers for Israel, Adult Study Program)
Please explain how this experience will impact your life
Tell us something about yourself and family.
Please send your resume & proposal to:
Jewish Federation of Ulster County
390 Aaron Court
Kingston, New York 12401
or email to: info@ucjf.org and put Scholarship Application in the subject line.