
by Nathan Borsky, IAC member

Dear Friends of Israel,
In these trying times and as we approach Hanukkah it is important to have hope and resolve as did the Maccabees, that justice will prevail and Israel will come out victorious and bring peace to ALL the people in this region.
The State of Israel was born out of the ashes of the Nazi Holocaust, probably the most horrible crime in the blood-stained history of mankind. The "Yishuv," (the Jewish population of the country) consisted of barely 600,000 people. On the very day of its birth Israel was invaded by the armies of five neighboring Arab states. Almost miraculously, the vastly outnumbered and outgunned Jewish forces
managed to overcome the combined Arab might.
The Jewish People's Renaissance is still a work in progress.
There is no comparison in history to the Jewish people's renaissance after 2,000 years of persecution, discrimination and exile, and its transformation into a Jewish nation.
Almost one-half of the world's Jews now live in Israel, having immigrated from all corners of the world. These millions are now fully part of their country, truly an unprecedented accomplishment.
Israel, forced by necessity, has emerged as one of the world's powerful military powers. It has proven more than able to hold its own though surrounded by enemies, who were and still are fixated on its annihilation.